Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Research 101

I used the Research 101 site with my engineering students today.  They have a project that will require them to do some in-depth research and they were having some trouble understanding what the differences are between popular and scholarly publications.  It seemed to help especially when they got to the part where they did a side by side comparison.  

Thursday, October 9, 2008

RSS readers

I've set up a couple of the RSS accounts and find that I really can get a lot of information very quickly. Sometimes to much info. If I don't check it often I get dozens of new articles which is great but I find myself getting lost in them for hours sometimes. It would be wonderful if we had time built into our day to read all the great things that are out there. I am learning to get more selective in the articles that I read. I guess I'm just learning to budget my time better.

I have found some things that are very timely and useful for my classes, which is why we are spending the time setting up and learning how to use this technology. I'm glad I took that time and look forward to learning more about how to use it with my classes in a more effective way.