Saturday, January 24, 2009

Access trouble

As I mentioned in my last post, I'd keep you informed as to my trouble logging in to certain libraries. Well at class this last week, I think we figured it out, you just can't get there from here. What I mean is that it all depends on where you are as to how you can or can not log in. There are people looking into it to see if the whole thing can be set up in a more efficient way. I'm still not sure I fully understand why it works the way it does but I do know that if I go through my local library I can get access to the others, I just could not get to them directly. So a work around has been found, Yea! Now all I have to do is remember what I was looking for.

1 comment:

Jean Doolittle said...

I'll be back to comment more later. This is just a test of my google reader. Have a good day!