Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Trying to make the time

I've been reading through some of the other blogs that get sent to my Reader account and there are some great things that people are doing and experiencing. I read and responded to Paek-Man's post about being frustrated with the news that if you didn't have 15 or more blogs your SOL. I'm sure we were told that we need to blog every week, just like we tell our student's that they need to do their homework every week. I think the difference is that not all of us understood that it was an absolute requirement as apposed to a suggestion to do if we could. I'll take the resposibility that I didn't ask more questions to fully understand. I know for me there were times when I was working on understanding parts of what I was reading and was somewhat overwhelmed. Those are times when I just need to process the information before I can write about it and depending on what else is going on, it can take a week or two.

I have learned a great deal from this experience and look foward to each class and the new things I get exposed to. I've had my students using google docs. and have used it myself with teachers from other schools all working on the same activites for IFL. I'm now using it with my student teacher which is a new exerience for me. I think the most important part of a class like this is not that we blog about it but that we actually use it. Having a million tools but never using them is like not having any tools at all. I would much rather learn and practice and teach about a few things that I find that I can use right now as blog about the wonderful things out there that I may never use. I guess it all boils down to time and what has to go in order for us to make the time to blog.

1 comment:

D. W-R said...

I do understand your comments about the blogging. I find it difficult to find the time as well, but it is good reflection on what you have learned and even what you are frustrated about. It is also the only way for the Metronet leaders to see what you are thinking and using. They need to justify this work to their board so that they can continue to offer these kinds of opportunities to schools. Thanks so much for your comments and feel free to contact me or Jean Doolittle at any time with other concerns.