Monday, March 23, 2009

More on Life, Comic Life that is

Today was the last day for my students to work on their Comic Life pages. I was pleasantly surprised by how many of them really got into making their pages. I even had a few after school today, so they could tweek a few things to make it just right. One student after 30 mins after school shouted out that he loved doing this and we should do it more often! I'll see tomorrow when we all read them how well I like doing this.

What I have seen so far is that they are being very concise in what they are saying. I was worried that they may just load it up with pictures and not really have anything worth saying. What I'm finding is that they have put a lot of thought into what they are doing, maybe because they know everyone is going to be reading them and taking a test on the material that they are presenting. I took some standard test questions from the data base to use as a quiz, we'll see how well they do.

1 comment:

Karen said...

This sounds very promising! I hope all goes well; keep us posted.