Wednesday, March 11, 2009

More on Comic Life

I've got a student teacher who is kind of a comic book buff, so I ran my idea by him to use Comic Life in class. He gave me a wonderfully puzzled look, like really, you want to have students teach each other using comics. Yep, I told him. He then got a little nervous and asked if I could explain in a little more detail what I had in mind. It's always fun to make your student teachers stop and think;) So I laid out for him my idea and told him he could do what he wanted but that was what I was going to do for the next chapter. I'm looking forward to it, I like doing things that make students question what they are learning and why. I have some very talented students that I know will really come to life with this assignment. We are going to start the middle of next week and I can't wait.


Karen said...

This sounds great! I've used Comic Life, and the students really liked it. At PD on Friday, we had a teacher from Totino-Grace share about some web 2.O tools, and she talked about ToonDoo (similar to CL) and here are some student examples she shared:

And Thing 14 talks about using comics in the classroom, so you may want to direct your student teacher to that, too ...

Good luck!

Exploradora said...

Comic Life is a great example of a constructive, non-patronizing way to connect with students and youth culture on its own terms. Although basically a one-trick pony, you can ride the range pretty far with it, as your message shows.