Sunday, April 5, 2009

google docs

I didn't know very much about google docs before we were introduced to it during our class. Since then it seems to be everywhere. Many of my students that usually do a powerpoint used google docs to do there presentations this quarter. It really worked nice since nothing got lost or had to be converted from one version to another, it just worked.

I'm working on a project with other science teachers putting together an on-line course for the district and the team is made up of people from many different schools, so we decided to use google docs to get started putting things together. We also set up a wiki and a blog so we can keep in touch and post our lessons and podcasts.

I sure am glad I took this class. Its making this new way of communicating much easier than setting up meetings and running around town carrying floppy disks with lessons on them;)

1 comment:

Karen said...

It is interesting that some students have been using Google Presentation ...

And I'm glad you have an "authentic" reason for using GDocs, wikis, and blogs ... it sounds like they will increase productivity. I love that they can decrease the number of meetings needed!