Friday, May 8, 2009

Action Research

Well I went to the class last night to learn how to do the action research paper. Sara was there so we got a few things set up since we are going to try and cooperate on this project. Yes, we know we have to have two separate papers but the idea that we can use both our classes and maybe even add another teacher to the mix is great. I think we will be able to collect all the data we need this school year and if everything goes well we might even get a chance to do the paper before the deadline, but it is nice to know that you have a year to get the paper done. This is the first one I've done for the district so I'm sure it will take some time to figure out just what they want. Not real clear yet about when we need to have the video done so I've got some checking to do to find out. Gil was talking about after our next class, I'll have to find out for sure so I've got it done and ready to show.

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